10 Best AI Tools To Grow Your Business in 2023

Over the years, there has been a lot of progress with the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. The result of this development is the availability of a wide range of tools that are useful for personal growth and business development. Although AI tools have gotten different reactions ranging from excitement about their power and […]

Over the years, there has been a lot of progress with the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. The result of this development is the availability of a wide range of tools that are useful for personal growth and business development. Although AI tools have gotten different reactions ranging from excitement about their power and wariness about taking people’s jobs, the consensus is that they are valuable tools that can benefit business owners. 

Read along to discover some of the best AI tools you can use to improve your business.

Smart house concept. Communication network of residence. Energy management system. IoT. AI.

Why Artificial Intelligence?

AI is helpful in various fields and industries, including healthcare, academia, finance, and marketing, as well as helping businesses make better decisions. Using AI tools as business owners can help you simplify and automate specific tasks, increase accuracy, and boost productivity.  Some of the specific benefits of using AI tools for your business include the following:

1: Increases Productivity

One of the most important benefits of using AI tools for business is increasing productivity. AI tools are designed to automate repetitive tasks in different areas, including marketing, customer support, administration, and finance. AI completes tasks at high speed that humans cannot match, thus allowing organisations to reduce the costs associated with mundane tasks while focusing on other business areas. With this, businesses can improve efficiency and increase productivity gains

2: Better Customer Service

Another benefit of AI is that it helps companies deliver better customer service. Many AI tools offer functions like customer insights, chatbots, and customer recommendations which help improve personalised interactions between customers and companies. AI makes customer support simple and reduces a lot of time for your employees and customers. Also, it’s important to note that improved customer experience and services will ultimately increase your sales and retention rate.

3. Improved Quality and Reduction of Human Error

Businesses that use AI technologies can expect a reduction in human error and speed up operations. Human resources are vital for companies, but even the most experienced worker can make mistakes. However, with the right AI tool, you can reduce or avoid making errors altogether.

4. Enhanced Marketing

One of the most significant benefits of AI tools for business owners is enhanced marketing. There are many AI tools that simplify marketing tasks, including customer targeting, content research, communication, automated postings, and so on. These AI tools can support marketing departments in creating the right content and reaching the right client at the right time.  

What Are The Best AI Tools?

From automation to writing and designing, let’s take a look at some of the most useful AI tools you can leverage as a business owner:

1: ChatGPT

ChatGPT is one of the most popular AI tools at the moment. This AI-powered tool works by understanding and responding to long-form questions. This AI technology uses machine learning algorithms to understand natural language input to generate human-like responses. 

How does this help you as a business owner?

ChatGPT can respond to almost everything with a short-line answer, an essay, and everything in between. You can use Chat GPT for language translation, summarisation, code writing, and explaining different topics. Another great thing about ChatGPT is that it supports various languages and can provide answers on almost every subject. 

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2. Zapier

If you’re looking for one of the most valuable AI tools for businesses, you should add Zapier to your list. This AI-powered tool helps companies to automate marketing tasks across multiple systems so that, in the end, you save money and time. In other words, you can connect the different apps you use to have one system for your workflow. Zapier allows the integration of various applications and websites to automate workflow. At the moment, this AI tool connects with 4000 apps, including Salesforce, Google Apps, Slack, MailChimp, Discord, Typefrom, and Twitter, 

3. Surfer SEO 

If a high ranking on Google is essential to you, you should consider the Surfer SEO tool. This AI-powered content creation tool combines different parts of SEO, including keyword research, domain analysis, SERP analysis, and content editing. All these functions help you write great content that is likely to rank high on Google search engine results. 

Surfer also has a writing editor that helps create an SEO outline with suggested headings, titles, and paragraphs based on your keyword research. Other features of this AI tool include keyword surfer to check keywords on Google, Writing Masterclass to learn more about SEO writing, and audit to check your website for existing content with missing keywords. In summary, Surfer SEO is a great tool to improve your website for SEO and ensure you rank high among your competitors. 

4. H20

If you are looking for one of the best AI tools for marketing, look no further than H20. Many Fortune companies, data scientists, and business owners use this AI tool to build applications and make data-driven decisions. 

How does it work?

Businesses can use this AI tool to train or build ML models and applications and automate the machine learning workflow. H2O is useful for companies who want to improve their digital marketing, claims management, fraud detection, and virtual assistance. This AI creator has other products, including Sparkling Water, Steam, and Deep Water.

Close-up Of Robot And Human Hand Holding Red And Blue Jigsaw Puzzle

5. Jasper.ai

One of the best AI tools for content writing is Jasper (FKA Jarvis). This AI writing tool helps you write efficiently by helping you generate content and suggest sentences. It’s a great way to speed up and improve your writing process. You can also use this tool to rewrite topics and get human answers to questions. Although you still require human intervention to improve the flow of the copy generated, this AI tool remains one of the best AI tools for content writing. You can use it to draft a document that you can edit or give to a professional writer later. 

One of the best parts about this AI writing tool is that it comes with a plagiarism checker to ensure you don’t copy someone else’s work. Jasper also features templates users can use to complete copywriting tasks, including blog posts and Facebook ads. 

6. OpenNN

OpenNN is open-source software that uses neural networks to interpret data. Users can analyse vast sets of data easier and faster, ranging from those suitable for beginners to those for experienced programmers. This AI tool also includes Neural Designer, which provides graphs and tables to help users understand and interpret the data you enter. 

7. Tableau

This AI tool for small businesses helps develop market projections for your industry to reach your business goals faster. With Tableau, companies can get more information about their business and industry faster


Tableau provides data visualisation like maps, graphs, and charts to help users understand trends, insights, and patterns from a Dataset. It simplifies raw data by presenting it in a very understandable format for professionals at any level. One of the best things about Tableau is that users don’t need technical or programming skills to operate it. 

8. Salesforce Einstein

Salesforce is undoubtedly one of the best AI tools for small businesses and is projected to be among the most used AI tools of 2023. 

What exactly does Salesforce do?

In general, it helps businesses manage sales, improve customer support, track customers’ activity, develop products, and more services. The aim of Salesforce is to simplify everything related to understanding your sales prospects and selling to them. 

The latest version of Salesforce CRM is Salesforce Einstein. It targets sales and marketing departments that want better insights into their customers and sales prospects based on their past interactions. Salesforce also allows you to build AI-powered applications for customers and employees and build predictive models related to machine learning.

Furthermore, Salesforce Einstein provides suggestions and automates data to help you make more data-driven business decisions. 

Robot, Art, Design, Painting, Artist, Ai

9. DALL- E

This  AI tool helps users generate high-quality images using texts and other natural language captions and details. The machine learning function helps generate realistic and imaginary images, sometimes a combination. You can also upload an existing picture and develop a painted or edited version in just a few seconds. Dall-E is one of the best AI tools for design, and companies can use it to generate design ideas that you can finalise with a designer.  This tool also offers advanced editing options, which allow users to add and remove elements like background, shadows, texture, and reflection. You own all the images you generate with Dall-E, and you can use them for commercial purposes like selling, printing, and licensing. Dall- E can also be used to create images that you can use for websites and blog posts. 

10. Whisper AI

Whisper AI is a great tool, an automatic speech recognition system that works like a hearing aid. It is capable of listening and identifying communications in different accents and jargon. This deep learning model utilises AI algorithms and powerful cell phone-level processors to optimise sound and deliver great hearing.  This Open AI tool can be used by businesses and call centres that need to transcribe audio and customer interactions into multiple languages. It is said that the model was trained for 680,000 hours (77 years!), and its accuracy almost matches human-level performance. 

Final Note

AI has become essential for individuals and businesses who want to simplify tasks and resolve complex problems. From analysing data to writing content and translating codes, you and your team can speed up your work with the appropriate AI tools. Don’t know where to start? Pick one or more from the list and see how it can help your business. 

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